Art direction, editorial design, visual layouts, print, mixed media, curation

Words Patryk Słodziński, Marta Jamrozy, Krzysztof Bukowski, Kacper Kosiński, Mateusz Kazula photos Karolina Wojtas, Justyna Chrobot and creative consultation Sławomir Kosmynka and Strzemiński Academy of Art Lodz


For my MA project at the Strzeminski Academy of Art in Poland I concepted, art directed, designed and produced the lifestyle magazine Realia (Realities).

Realia provides a platform for free expression and intimate commentary on the modern world. It explores the themes of nostalgia, present observations and dreams of the future. I invited my friends to collaborate on the project, sharing their stories through words and pictures, which I later compiled into the printed form.

Issue No0

The magazine’s inaugural issue theme is Reuse. It attempts to reimagine old objects and spaces, discovering their current values, emended in present realities. The concept of reuse is further explored through recycling various paper spreads into new digital, analog and spatial forms such as animation, posters and installations. 

Visual style

All design elements within the project, while investigating diverse possibilities of print and digital technologies, contribute to the experimental identity of the magazine. The publication reflects on the diversity of generational experience during digital revolution both in its form and content.